Success Starts With the Right Mind-Set

Success Starts With the Right Mind-Set

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One of the reasons our Synaptic, Inc. training program is so effective is because we go beyond job skills and teach our people to think like entrepreneurs. We’re taught to take responsibility for our careers the way a business owner would, which means that no matter our work history, goals, or background, we are capable of finding our own versions of success.

These are some of the Synaptic, Inc. tips we share to help our team members act like owners:

• Develop a Vision: Having an ultimate goal inspires us, gives us a target to aim for, and gets us moving again after we encounter the inevitable obstacles that always appear on the path to success.

• Get Gritty: Grit, or perseverance, is just as important (if not more so) than any other character trait of high achievers. When we commit to moving forward no matter the circumstances, we’re sure to reach our goals.

• Make Plans, but Keep Your Options Open: We always have a plan. That’s just Business 101. The trick is to know when to work the plan as is, change course just a little, or create a new plan altogether.

• Work Your Strengths: One of the traits our business idols have in common is focus. They do what they do best, and then let others fill in the gaps. This is a lesson we apply in our office as well.

Thinking like business owners helps each of us realize our own definitions of success while expanding the reach of our firm as well. Like Synaptic, Inc. on Facebook to learn more of our tips on how to act more like entrepreneurs.